The translation below is provided for your convenience only. If there is any discrepancy between the translation in English and the original Korean text (including due to the delay in translation), the original Korean text takes precedence.

Operation policy

Wikit is a space for many people to share images, videos, and thoughts and to exchange ideas and opinions inspired by these activities.

The one thing that wikit prioritizes to promote communication between our members is the creation of a safe space where the diversities of all our members are respected. We would love for you to share your thoughts freely in this community, and we support freedom of speech fully. However, this support does not extend to the sharing of harmful and inappropriate content. We believe that finding a balance between freedom of speech and restriction of inappropriate content is the way forward; this is how we would like to promote our services, and we believe this is how all of our members can enjoy the services we provide.

In order to maintain a space built on trust and respect, the wikit team has come up with an operation policy that encompasses the necessary rules and guidelines applied across all of our services. The terms of these policies may be continuously changed and developed through discussions and concerns, and we will do our best to improve them so that we can offer our members a pleasurable experience.

• We do not allow false accounts or access information.

Any abnormal activities, such as using a fake account or attempting automated accessing, are potentially harmful to the service. Therefore, we do not tolerate any use of false information, automated account accessing or any activities related to such behavior. We will also try our best to protect the service from these activities.

Please make sure you enter accurate information when first registering for the service. If the use of any false, inaccurate or stolen information is discovered, your use of the account and service may be restricted. Entering contact details that cannot be reached (e.g. single-use phone numbers or e-mail addresses) may also be regarded as abnormal information and may lead to your use of the service being restricted, so please be cautious when registering or connecting accounts. Any automated registering, and login attempts will also be restricted as this can compromise the quality and safety of our service.

If any of the information you have entered at the point of registration changes, you must edit your profile to notify us of those changes straight away. If you have not previously connected an account, you may not be able to access your previous activities. We will not be responsible for any harm you and your data/activities suffer because you have failed to do so.

• We have a reporting channel for offensive content.

One of the basics of guaranteeing a safe service is protecting our members from spam or other harmful, unpleasant content. In order to efficiently restrict such content, the wikit team offers a report feature in various areas of the service. Using this, you can notify or report to us of harmful and unpleasant content directly. Any report will be filed in the service directly, and we have an automatic hiding service that comes into effect after repeated reports, designed to protect you from potentially harmful content. However, please remember that not all content that has been reported will be subject to the same restrictions. Any disciplinary action will be carried out based on the specific rules and guidelines of the service.

• The service is maintained systematically from a variety of angles.

If any content not tolerated within the service is discovered or reported, the administrator of the service can directly intervene and restrict it. This applies mostly to pornography or any illegal material that require restrictions in line with the Information Communications Network Act, Regulations for Deliberation of Information and Communications, and other legal and societal standards. Any content deemed inappropriate because of the reasons stated above (pornography, illegal content or advertisements) will be subject to systematic sanctions involving hiding/deletion of the content, restriction of service of the author, and restricted exposure/shut down of the community in which this content was posted.

We try our best to restrict harmful content. However, your understanding and active cooperation are just as important as our hard work. Please help us make a safe and enjoyable space by posting content that is in line with the nature and theme of each community.

Link to regulations for deliberation on information and communications

• We will act firmly and decisively against any crime that endangers life.

Each and every one of our members is the most valuable asset to our service. For this reason, we are alert and sensitive to any crime that relates directly to life. We shall not tolerate any behavior that promotes self-harm or suicide. Any act of soliciting or suggesting homicide is also prohibited. Any propagation of information relating to potential terrorist activities is also restricted.

We will act more promptly and decisively against any behavior that endangers life. If any content or chats that are related to any actions mentioned above are reported, we will promptly delete and hide such information from viewing. If the information we discover is related to suicide, we will use the content and the information of the member to notify relevant government authorities to protect any lives that may be in danger.

• We promote a safe space for growth for youths.

In order to ensure that our youths are able to grow into healthy members of society with the right morale, the service has various features in place to protect youths from potentially violent or inappropriate content.

Any posts with repeated reports will be automatically restricted so that our youths will not be able to access the content. In addition, we are striving to restrict the generation and exposure of inappropriate content, especially when it comes to youths for instance by setting prohibited words embedded in the main functions of the service.

If we discover any pornographic content involving minors in the service, we will instantly restrict access to the content. In addition, the member who posted or shared this content will be subjected to the highest level of sanction possible within the service, as well as being reported to investigation agencies. We are currently in the process of developing a response system directly linked to the judicial authorities. We will try our best to create a space that is safe for the youths, who are the future of our society.

• We respect the rights of creators.

We believe that the content our members create is a medium that enriches not only the service, but all of our lives. Therefore, we try our best to protect the rights of the creators of such content. Any material you post in the service will be yours, and you will have the intellectual property rights to that content. However, please remember that respecting other members’ intellectual property rights is just as important as protecting your own. When sharing other members’ content, please make sure that you confirm that you have the rights to share the content.

The service offers a reporting service for content that violates the intellectual property rights of others, including but not limited to copyright and trademark rights. Any content reported will be restricted.

• All our members need to be aware of the importance of personal information.

The best way to protect yourself from information theft is to be aware of yourselves. Whether someone else coerced you to reveal your personal information or you did it on your own accord, it will lead to devastating consequences. Hence, all members should be extremely careful when it comes to sharing personal information. If any information was already exposed, the service will immediately restrict such content as soon as a report is made.​